We have been together for four months, we have had a quite unique relationship and we fool around sexually but do not have sex as we are only 17.
Sometimes however, I discover myself still going to porn websites and sites where the post pictures of fairly school girls observed around my country.
My girlfriend utilised my iPhone and I forgot to clear my history so she saw those internet sites. She merely locked my telephone then placed it down again with no saying a word.
Things have been rough the past three days, she constantly tells me she feels inferior and keeps asking why she isn't excellent enough for me. She says she feels self-conscious of the way she looks and that I must locate somebody else who can make me happier, seeing by how I prefer to check out other girls.
I love her. I do. Nowadays right after school she sat down with me and she started sobbing so hard about feeling extremely hurt and disappointed. I sat there not understanding what to say or do so I just held her and tried to explain it was a guys factor.
Am I at fault here? I can't help it. Or is my girlfriend becoming too sensitive? What should I do now? Thanks
She has by no means cried in front of me before and I have never ever seen her so hurt prior to. I genuinely do not know what to do.
She has a very mature level of thinking, she said to me, "It's not your fault, I'm just thinking too significantly." she's not controlling at all, gives me all the freedom I want, at times I wished she were more possessive in truth. It is just the notion that I wank to pictures of other schoolgirls her age that makes her feel totally insecure.
I could tell she was attempting to hold back her tears when she stated this concern didn't have an effect on her but I guess it was just too overwhelming today.... I still don't know what to do
Ideal answer:
Answer by Belle
yes guys do those form of issues.. but i would get her a present.. to show that you really like her..
like roses? or a picnik in the park? some thing romantic and fun.. that shows that you really like her.
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Orignal From: I made my girlfriend cry?
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