Friday, April 8, 2011

Why do I think my wonderful boyfriend is cheating on me?

Question by Chevers: Why do I believe my wonderful boyfriend is cheating on me?
We laugh continuously, we enjoy the exact same activities, and we are intellectually compatible. Last Christmas he bought me a blue ray player. For no reason at all he got me an ipad a few weeks ago. I got depressed for some inexplicable reason late Could (I began on birth control in March if that helps and have a history of anxiety). It has lasted months now and since then I can't get the concept out of my head that he's cheating. He got a promotion in late April which has been very stressful and has caused him to put on a couple of pounds. I think this probably explains less sex and him becoming in a bad mood far more often. I can practically explain away every thing that leads me to believe he would be cheating! It doesn't help that his brother is great buddies with 2-3 of his former lovers (who are all drop dead gorgeous and super nice-and always over at their home). Why can't I accept that everything is fine? And why is it cheating that I'm so worried about? I'm concerned that my depression and preoccupation with this will end up really hurting our relationship in techniques I did not intend for it to. He's a fantastic, sweet guy who I'm head over heals for!

(We're both in our mid twenties and have been dating a year)
Of course I've asked him. It's three am and Im stuck at work with absolutely nothing greater to do than to reach out to strangers.

Best answer:

Answer by Josch
Maybe you're just paranoid... just ask him straight up "are you cheating on me?" and see his reaction, you'll know if he's lying. Oh, and I don't care about your life story.

Add your own answer in the comments!

Orignal From: Why do I think my wonderful boyfriend is cheating on me?

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