I lately noticed that the app was released on the Iphone and became an instant hit. I wanted to get some constructive feedback as to how individuals felt about the database in general. Before you answer. In some states an 18 year old having sex with a 16 year old, and prosecuted,is a sex offender, even following marrying the person soon after the conviction. I worked on a database in 1 of these states, and was sympathetic towards those cases, but am not so much with the others. Do you think a sex offender, regardless of the circumstances, need to be listed in a nationwide database?
Very best answer:
Answer by DJ_73401
Im not certain if there are different levels of sex offenders but lets just say that a level 1 sex offender is an individual like the 18 year old and like a level 3 is a rapist / child molester, a person who is a threat to society. I feel the level three sex offenders really should certainly be public. As far as the level 1, I do not think it should be posted along with level 3 guys but ought to definitely be listed as a convict. Not certain if this makes any sense but If I had my own government, this is how it would be.
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Orignal From: Sex Offender Database on Iphone?
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