I'm a 19-year-old boy and I'd like to acquire a CB3000. http://www.urickdesign.com/cb-6000_2010/cb6000_images/ale_art_dept/CB6000S_black_1.jpg
I have so significantly perverse thought that I think I should prevent myself from frequent erections. I can concentrate on my important issues e.g. studying, so I decided to have a try.
Do you have any experiences? Do you believe it will work?
Greatest answer:
Answer by amelie.423319@rocketmail.com
Here are my thoughts on the matter.
Perverse thoughts are going to be present in the mind of a nineteen year old boy, no matter what the case. I don't care what anybody says.
If those thoughts are so frequent that they are interfering with studying, you need therapy. Not a chastity... strap.
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Orignal From: Q&A: I would like to wear a chastity device voluntarily. What do you think?
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